Social Security
I will support legislation that repeals the income tax on social security. Social security deductions are not pre-tax deductions from our wages, so to tax social security income when we retire is double taxation that we are all subject to. Upon retirement, our seniors rely on their monthly checks to cover the essentials of living. Passing legislation to stop this double taxation will free up more money to support the challenges of being on a fixed income and meeting basic expenses.
My opponent wants to end Social Security and Medicaid, but he doesn’t come right out and tell us that. Instead, he says, “I oppose any reductions for current recipients.” That is double-politics speak for, I intend to cut all social security benefits, but I need the senior vote right now, so I will tell you anything. Warren Davidson does not tell the truth. In fact, prior to being Gerrymandered into his seat, he said that he favored term limits, and now that he has exceeded the limits he said he favored, he switched it up! He recently said that he wanted abortion to be “legal, rare, and safe,” after advocating for a complete ban on abortion weeks before. We can’t afford to keep this lying politician in office.
To cut Social Security benefits for anyone who has paid into the system would equate to theft! We cannot tolerate politicians who steal our money and funnel it into programs that give contracts to their wealthy friends.
Vote Vanessa Enoch, and save our Democracy!
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