About Ohio's 8th Congressional District


Ohio's 8th congressional district (OH08) sits along the west side of Ohio, bordering Indiana. Per the current map, enacted by the Ohio Redistricting Commission on 3/02/2022, the 8th District now represents Butler County, Darke County, Preble County, half of Hamilton County, and a part of Miami County.

Am I in the 8th District?

Here's a PDF of Ohio's 2022 Congressional District Map , or enter your ZIP code here on house.gov . If your ZIP has multiple districts, you can then enter your street address for more precise results.

Brief Overview

The following data, per the U.S. Census Bureau, was part of the 2018 American Community Survey (ACS) so please bear in mind that these statistics are a few years old.

Ohio's 8th Congressional District

  • Population: 731,637
  • 50.9% Female, 49.1% Male
  • High school graduation rate: 90.2%
  • College graduation rate: 24.6%
  • Median Household Income: $56,963
  • Civilian Veterans: 46,216
  • Citizens living with a Disability: 105,682
  • Relying on Public Healthcare: 263,101
  • With No Health Insurance: 41,896
Ohio map_District 8_Hamilton feature_rev (1)






Median Household Income:


Citizens with a Disability


With Public Health Coverage


With NO Health Coverage


Families Below the Poverty Level
All families 7.3%
With children under 18 years 12.7%
With children under 5 years only 12.3%
Female Householder (Single Moms) Below Poverty Level
Families with Female Householder (no husband) 27.7%
With children under 18 years 38.4%
With children under 5 years only 38.0%
Civilian Veterans


New 8th Congressional District