Share Your Opinion For residents of Butler, Darke, Hamilton, Miami, and Preble Counties * indicates required Your Email Address * Do you live in one of the counties listed above? * Yes No Please provide your Street Name and Zip Code. What is your gender? Female Male Are you married? * Yes No Have you had difficulty finding employment? * Yes No How should the legal system treat heroin users? Send them to jail. Get treatment for them. How should the legal system treat marijuana users? Send them to jail. Get treatment for them. How should government treat undocumented workers? Make a pathway to citizenship, so they can become taxpayers. Send them to their country of origin. Should recreational marijuana be legalized? Yes No How old are you? Under 18 18-24 25-35 36-50 51-64 65 or older Men and women should get same pay for same work. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Women are shown in a sexist manner in the media. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Are the courts fair to the poor and blacks? Yes No Is Mass Incarceration a problem today? Yes No Do you think Mass Incarceration lowers crime? Yes No Should public education be eliminated? Yes No Should the U.S. focus on clean energy or coal? Coal Clean Energy Should voters be registered automatically at 18? Yes No As a voter, what issues worry you? What should be the top five issues for Congress? Immigration Reform Mass Incarceration Reform Improving Women's Rights Better Healthcare and Preventing Homelessness for Veterans Ensuring Clean Energy and Protecting the Environment Providing Livable Wages Improving Job Opportunities Providing Quality Public Education Providing Healthcare for All Citizens Creating Barriers to Trade Building the Wall Automatic Voter Registration Finding a Cure for Cancer Small Business Development Waging a New War on Drugs Saving Social Security Investing in Economic Growth